Monday, October 3, 2011

Kong Stuffin' - Frozen Peanut Butter Kong

One of my absolute favorite dog toys is the Kong. My dogs love them too. Kong sells many products to stuff your Kong with, but they can be expensive and there are plenty of things at home that make just as good of stuffing as the things they sell in the store. Today, I'm going to share with you one of the many ways I stuff my dogs' Kongs.

Peanut Butter
Dog Food (or food of similar size)
Milkbone (or other long/skinny treat)

First, I use a spoon some peanut butter into a bowl. I make sure to get enough to stuff my dogs' Kong about halfway. By doing this, I avoid any contamination from dog slobber that may be left on or inside the Kong so that I feel comfortable eating my peanut butter. (I'm just a little germ conscious.)

Next, I use a knife to spread the peanut butter into the Kong. I try to get it along the sides of the Kong and down in the bottom especially. You can tap the Kong on your table or counter to get the peanut butter to settle at the bottom. Leave a little bit of peanut butter in the bowl.

Then, I take a little bit of my dog's normal dog food, or similar sized treats, and sprinkle some into the peanut butter. I'll use the knife to push some pieces down into the peanut butter.

After the dog food is sprinkled inside, I'll take my Milkbone (I use Large Milkbones and a Large Kong for my 50 lb dogs) and stuff it into the Kong, leaving one end of the bone sticking out. If the ends of the bone are too large to stuff, you can squish your Kong to make the opening more like an oval. This may make it long enough to fit. If the bone just won't fit, you can break off one of the large end pieces and stick the end you broke into the Kong, leaving the rest of the bone sticking out.

Next, take the remaining peanut butter and "seal" the end of the Kong around the Milkbone.

Finally, I'll stick the Kong in the freezer overnight to give to my dogs as a tasty frosty treat in the morning.

Other tips

You can also use things such as apples or other healthy snacks to stuff in your Kong that your dog wouldn't normally eat. You'd be surprised how far a little bit of hard work and peanut butter goes.

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